Time off work or not?

Last week on Tuesday I had an US and my baby measured 5W3days which according to the U.S. Tech everything was where it should be. The immediate concern was that I was not 5W pregnant but more closer to 7weeks. I had HCG levels drawn on that day and 48 hours after. My HCG levels were 8300 and then 10690. I got a call on Friday morning from the MD to tell me that it's obvious I am miscarrying. He gave me 3 options for the miscarriage process; the fist was to allow it naturally to pass, second to take medication to help the process and third to have a D&C in his office. I was so devastated by the news and did not ask many questions. I told him I would just wait for the natural process as it feels wrong to do anything else.I have been on the grief rollercoaster. I went into work on Saturday even though every part of me did not want to be there. I am very depressed and nothing has happened in regards to the miscarriage. (No bleeding or cramping) I am getting a second US a week later (Tuesday) for my reassurance that they did not make a mistake. I am still hoping that my baby is growing and eveything is fine. Since Friday I have noticed the pregnancy symptoms decreasing which I know it's not a good sign.
Did any of you take time off from work while going through this? I feel like I should though it up but I can't and I don't know if asking for time off is appropriate....