problems with my supple?

Brianna • Mommy of 2 adorable girls, wife of 1 sexy man, caregiver to 7 chickens, 2 dogs, 2 ducks and a cat. baby is just shy of 10 months. We have been ebf from the beginning

She refuses bottles and will only take a sippy with water. Lately I am thinking that I am drying up. I only bf my first until 4 months so I have no experience at this point. But my daughter nurses all day long and come evening when she feeds she just sucks... not comfort sucks but sucks hard and fast. She is sucking and not swallowing. And my whole boob starts to cramp I feel like. So I am pretty positive nothing is coming out. I switch boobs and she will nurse and swallow but after a while it stops there too and she sucks and doesn't swallow and it starts to hurt. By this time she usually falls asleep and I am good by the midnight feed, but my question is am I slowly drying up?? I want to breast feed as long as she wants to if that is 10 months or 5 years... but I am getting very scared thinking my body is stopping before she wants to! Please what can I do to ensure I don't dry up before she is done?! like I have never had a date night with my husband cuz she won't take a bottle so I am very worried! thank you so much!!