Focus and patience will get you where you need to be. Choose your path, and allow the universe to line it up for you to follow. This life is gonna be hard work! Stick to it and the rewards are eternal. So, I graduated in 2012, during my senior year I was (young and thought I knew everything, and) planning on taking a gap year, then going to the UK to study biochemistry. Basically you determine your hobbies/aspirations, very specifically with visualisation!! And then write out exactly what you know about how to get there. You don't need to know everything. I dreamed of becoming a medical scientist or university lecturer. Here's a tip for you: what did you love doing as a child? What games did you like to play? What kind of personality do you have? Do yo want to work for someone or work for yourself? ---------This all helps you decide what kinds of careers will satisfy you. Are you talented in any topic? Do you like caring for others? The questions go on! Anyway, Ive always loved to learn, but I despise the educational system in place currently! That's moreso why I took a gap year, i was NOT ready to start studying again! You need time to figure things out first. That is okay, take a break if you feel you need it 🤗 if you're in America, work or internships! please do not rush, and always know that you can always return to school at any time. I did get accepted into York, and Oxford, as well as Liverpool, but for some reason, something was telling me to stay in America for just a bit longer.... and so I did, and I met the love of my life. Not saying you should skip school for love, but I would not change my decision. Plans have changed, I've realised what TRULY makes me happy (owning a business) instead of just paying my bills with a tough job.. I still have a passion for teaching others, healing, and now cooking, so my major has not changed (I love biochem) but I've added a minor in entrepreneurship so I know I will be working towards what I actually want, which is to be self-sustaining, independent, and have a happy family. Yes, this world is crazy, and not at all what you think, AND HARD WORK! but you've gotta play the game AND side hustle if you want to end up happy. In Germany we say work comes before pleasure 😉