He's here!!


My August baby turned into a September baby! Dylan Isaac born today at 11:53am, 9 lbs 3 oz, and 21 3/4" long.

My labor story is a bit long so feel free to skip down to cute pics if you want!! Started contractions in early labor at 11:45 pm Wednesday night. Had inconsistent but overall progressive contractions all night and morning. I already had an ultrasound and nst scheduled for 2:30 pm that day, so they had me still go to those as I was not in active labor yet. Ultrasound went great except they told me baby was over 9 lbs and that scared me a little bit. At the non stress test they saw a few dips in the baby's heart rate that coincided with my contractions sometimes and they sent me to the maternity triage at the hospital to get checked for dilation and monitored further. I called my hubby and he met me at the hospital. At the hospital I continued progressing and was 3cm before monitoring- after monitoring (which went fine- the heart rate dips only happened when I turned to one side) they had me walk the halls for a half hour. After walking I had transitioned into active labor and went to 4cm so they decided to admit me!!! Contractions steadily progressed in intensity, duration, and frequency. Unfortunately baby boy was facing up and to the left so I had basically all back labor. We tried so many different things to get him to spin but some of the positions we were trying were causing the same heart rate dips they had seen earlier. Around 3:30 am they were very close together and I started feeling the need to push. Started pushing around this time and the back labor only got worse. Sometime around 4:30 am I had to get up to pee (as I was peeing during some pushes) and I got a strong contraction while on the toilet- and my water broke! The contractions actually slowed down after this but didn't decrease in intensity so I continued to push. Because they slowed down progress was moving slow so around 5am they started me on pictocin and boy did those contractions become looooong and even stronger than before, they started coming every 2 mins on average so I was doing a lot of pushing. At this point I hadn't really slept more than 4 hours since Wednesday and hadn't eaten since Thursday morning and I was exhausted and started to feel weak (going cross-eyed from being tired, shaking, sweats, feeling like I was going to pass out in between pushes.) I got checked and was about an 8 and she noted baby's position. 45 mins of more pushing and I hit 10cm!!! Around 8 am I was really getting tired of the back pain and intensity. My doc didn't come check on me until almost 9 am though and when she did he hadn't made any more progress since I hit the 10 cm two hours earlier. I had pushed for around 5 hours at this point all with back labor and no pain meds. I had hit my limit. The midwife had an obgyn come in to discuss options and she checked me as well. They agreed that because of his positioning and size it was unsafe to manually turn him and he was not going to make any more progress at that angle. So basically all that was left was a csection. It took so long for the pictocin to wear off though and I had to continue pushing through contractions (otherwise they hurt even more) until they finally got me into the OR 45 minutes late. Once they did a spinal, I finally got some pain relief. The csection was not as scary as I thought and had a great team of doctors and nurses. My scar isn't as big as I anticipated and looks pretty good. Baby came out and it was amazing to see all his hair. He cried but was also making some grunting/gurgling noises and because their was meconium in my fluid they did some quick checks, allowed my hubby to hold him, I got to see him and put my face near him for a minute and then they took him to special care. I was so hoping to do skin to skin right away but just seeing him and knowing he was okay held me over. I fell asleep after that until my first check in recovery, which was painful but nothing compared to earlier. About half an hour in recovery and hubby and baby finally came in and I got to hold him. It made me the happiest lady ever to have him in my arms. After a few more checks for bleeding they brought us to our room and I got to do skin to skin!! Had a lactation consultant come in and we breastfed! Since then he has been so good at feeding- we are definitely still learning together and have a little trouble if we lose the latch but he is doing so great once he's on. I have already forgotten all the pain and exhaustion of both labor and my pregnancy. It was beyond worth it. So far I only have a lot of shoulder pain which is from pulling my legs up for so long and also apparently happens after a csection because of gas trapped in your abdomen (who knew?). It sucks that I can't transition into different positions with baby or pick him up out of bed yet but we have had lots of bonding and he definitely knows his mama! Overall, I could not be happier. I am so happy to finally have him here and meet him and see his little squishy face!! 💙😍👶 Thanks for reading if you made it this far, I wanted to get it written out before I forgot too much! Now for cuteness...