Dating my best friend.. gone wrong....

So me and my best friend have been best friends for a year now. For the sake of this story I'll call him J. He's told me he had feeling for me before but I told him if would ruin our friendship, so I thought he had moved on. I ended up in another relationship and once I told him he punched a wall. Then I rebounded off the guy I had a relationship with, call me a hoe whatever but it happened. I was going to Florida for a month and J wanted to say goodbye before I left. The week before I left I noticed he was acting different and his friends had told me he was still trying for me. I hadn't told him about the rebound bc I felt no need to. The day I was leaving he was supposed to see me but I just had a gut feeling something was going to happen, so I didn't meet him. He told me that he wanted to be together and the reason he wanted to see me was to tell me. I called him, told him about the rebound. He was so upset that he overdosed. Luckily his mom found him. He didn't tell me until two weeks later. I avoided him all of my trip bc staying away was the best option. I got back home and after a month we started talking again. We had a long talk about why he did that. we were finally friends again. One day we hung out and he told me that he still loved me and we kissed. Then asked me on a date so I agreed to it. The date was really sweet we went to dinner and the movies and he was super respectful. Later that night we made it official. But the next day he came over and things started escalating and we almost had sex, ivealways looked at him as a big brother so doing that honestly freaks d me out. My mom waved in before anything happened. I told him I wanted to wait. The next day he was texting me and honestly does not know how to flirt or has no game at all, being in the relationship made me loose feelings. It's just so awkward, so I avoided him all week and decided we should break up. So I did. The first time we had sex was break up sex later that day and it was honestly SO BAD. The worst I've ever had, I wasn't turned on or anything. He says he's still going to try, and I fell for his personality but physically I'm so turned off and idk what to do!!! PLEASE HELP

I'm just scared of what he's going to do next