I'm confused!

Ok...so I just got off my period which lasted 3 days like it usually does. I've been tired and not feeling well. My husband says to me this morning "maybe you're pregnant" I said " I can't be I just stopped bleeding yesterday"

I tested a day or two before I started bleeding and it was negative. Well I had a test left in the bathroom and this is what popped up! Faint line at the 10 minute mark... the middle pictures are taken after the 10 minute mark and the last two after drying. I went and got two FRER and they're negative.

So is that just an evap line?!?! I was shocked a line showed up at all... I was expecting a complete negative. I've had several evap lines on these tests but way after the time frame and didn't look like this. I'm just a little confused! 🤔