Questions from a noob, OPKs, running, TWW...

Hi all!

This is my first real month TTC. Yesterday I started the OPK (multiple calendars said it was my FW) and got a BFN. This morning I took it again and got a solid smiley (ClearBlue advanced)... so commenced the baby dance.

Couple of questions-

Is it normal to go from negative to solid smiley with an OPK? No blinking smiley at all? Does this mean my cycle is too messed up for the test and calendars to be accurate?

I'm a long distance runner. Will it hurt my chances if I go for a long run within a few hours after the baby dance?

Since my cycles may not be completely regular (I just had my IUD removed in early August), should I wait longer than the 2 weeks before taking a HPT?
