How much do you exercise every day?!?


Ok so I'd love to hear what everyone is doing for exercise in the second trimester!

I'll admit I don't go to the gym or have any work outs to do at home BUT I do have a pretty physically active job! My husband is a horse trainer and we run our own facility. Until I got pregnant I was doing everything right along side him but I have now down graded to cleaning stalls, general upkeep around the barn, feeding, saddling and grooming horses. Working from about 7am to noon and then I do stuff in the house the rest of the day. On average my phone says I "walk" about 1.5 miles a day but I'm lifting, bending and just plain moving more than waking that whole time. Right now he is out of town and my work load has doubled so I've been "walking" about 3 miles and had to do a little extra heavy lifting than normal. I seem to be taking it well, I run out of breath a little faster and the bending and lifting has gotten a bit more awkward! But I'm thinking about when he gets back, and I'm slowed down again, maybe adding some yoga and strengthening short videos in the afternoon a few times a week? Overkill?