Not producing enough milk...(Rant)


So I thought I wouldn't beat myself up about this before I had my son. My mindset about breastfeeding were, if I can then great but if I couldn't then it is not the end of the world. Well...... it feels like the end of the world for me in a sense. I really wanted to only give my baby breast milk for the first few months. Even if I had troubles with latching I at least wanted to produce enough to feed him. I was barely getting an oz from both breast the first week and now we are coming on 3 weeks old on Monday and it seems like I dried up. I really don't know what to do. I just started taking supplements for the past two days. I really don't want to give up (I hate giving up) but I am starting to feel like my milk will never fully come in. Also, every time I have to fix a bottle with formula it breaks my heart.

Did anyone go through this? If so, how can I get over this without feeling less than.