What to do? *RANT time*

So my husband and I have been on a rocky road for a long time. I have posted multiple times about how he just does not care. Like right now I am almost 36 weeks pregnant and I'm sleeping on the floor because he refuses to wake up to put our son in his crib (I'm not suppose to be lifting him and when I try my husband freaks out saying he will put him in the crib but falls right back to sleep) and he is taking up most of our bed. I've also been having painful contractions on and off for a few weeks.

I need shots for my blood clots and he will fall asleep and I have to wake him almost nightly to remind him that i need him to give me these shots! I ask him to do simple chores around the house and he literally ignores them. Things like cleaning his dinner mess or taking out the garbage! I also can never get him to do anything like put up a new motion light or even a curtain rod. He works a minimum wage job part time that barely makes ends meet and when I ask if he is looking for better he says he's trying but I never see him attempt.

I don't know what to do anymore. Do I boot him since I literally do everything as is or do I keep giving him chances? I know I'm gonna need help once the baby comes but the stress of him laying around doing nothing is becoming too much.

*edited to add* I'm sick and our son randomly vomited 3 times. (Not running a fever and seemed to feel better afterwards) I called him at his work to tell him he had gotten sick. He said I need to call his job and tell them so he can come home. I said I will wait and see if he gets sick again before I call his boss and make him come home. He then said "Then why the f*** did you call me?" Like seriously? I thought you should know your child is sick.