advice UPDATED

so going back months ago while i was still pregnant (baby not far off 4 months now) me and partner had an arguement about a gambling site he goes on (once again) the last arguement we had he promised me he wouldnt go on it again as baby was due ....and i said i dont believe him as he had promised to not go on it many times before after deleting it off computer but then still put it back on there he goes ok to prove it to you ill do stuff on there to get account banned i said no i want you to prove to me that you can keep a promise to me as i want to trust you with it so he goes ok you can trust me i wont go back on it again and that was that .....until yesterday i found him on it again obviously it erupted into an arguement as he had broken the promise he made to me while i was preg with our child... well in the arguement like always he goes well its me that goes out earns the money pays all the bills etc so if i want to spend my money on something i want to chill out then i will i said yeah but you made a promise you would never go back on that site he goes oh well i forgot i got an email with a bonus so i put £20 on to get the bonus i was going to delete it after .....well ive told him he got a month to sort his gambling out as i cant deal with his gambling anymore its caused too many arguements ive told him if he dont he gone ...hopefully that will make him realise...would you have done the same thing if you were in this position ....he also goes to me well if you not happy why am i still here then i said well ive told you in loads of arguements to go but you just wont i told him i wanted him gone yesterday and he kept saying no .... so he goes well do you love me or not so i said sometimes no i dont ...thats where arguement ended UPDATE: so just checked the joint bank account and it werent £20 it was actually £70 in 2 transactions ...i knew it wouldnt be £20 as its always normally between £80 and £150 a time he puts on there