Today our Lost One would have been born

jessica • Jessica Lynn Luckette

Our first pregnancy ended im a missed MC, 10.5wks gestation but i was supposed to be dating 12wks exactly. our Due date was today, 09/03/17. Only, today I am instead 10.5wks along with our second, and the nerves are just killing me. Our first scan is on the 12th, and I will be exactly 12wks again. Today is so....weird. being exactly as far along as when our first died, and it also being on the date of our Lost Ones due date. there are so many emotions I can't even get my feet out from under me. I'm so scared for this one, everything freaks me out. I've had HORRIBLE morning sickness (all day sickness tbh) and have been on Zofran and another medication. I woke up today and usually the first thing I have to do is take a Zofran and pray it stays down long enough to disolve. But this morning i felt fine. I was a little woozy, and took my zofran just in case it was sneaking up on me EVERYTHING worries me. anyone else experiencing this? i feel so lost and my husband literally cannot understand and (bless his heart) only says things to brush it off even though i just need to have someone who feels lile I do so I dont feel so crazy. I've already picked 3 fights out of anxiety and it's only 11am.