oh panic attacks...I hate you.

let's talk small talk...actually lets not....I'm easily depressed and my anxiety likes to prey on that. I looked up on websites.. on how to not "small talk" in a relationship. and I thought I've gotten better but I just don't!! :( I can't seem to think of a conversation that's gonna last 10 minutes. and I'm just a random person so I tend to hop on one thing to another. and though he says it doesn't 'ruin' our relationship.. he's brought it up 30+ times. and I'm starting to annoy him. I don't blame him. :( I have constant fear that he's gonna fall out of love and he's the best person that's been in my life. my mind like to play tricks on me. just please can anyone give me tips on stopping small talk!! please. I'm so close to freaking out :( I know it won't help but why is it so hard for me.