Feel like I'm failing as a mom...

...and I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm currently 38 weeks pregnant with my second child and I have a two year old son.

I live in my own apartment with my fiancée, a roommate we took in because he got kicked out and my 13 yr old brother because his adoptive mom couldn't handle him anymore.

Normally I stay home and watch my son, clean the house, do laundry and get dinner ready but the farther along I got in my pregnancy the harder it got for me to do those things because I was getting bigger and bending over was becoming a task in itself and also because I have horrible arthritis in my hips making it very tough for me to get up and down or even walk.

I didn't think having one more baby would be a bad thing or even that hard but everyone except my fiancée has made it perfectly clear I cannot rely on them for any help and I don't feel like I ask for much.

All I ask is keep your valuables put up, I have a two year old who will get into everything but everyone leaves there stuff out and our roommates phone charger was lost because of it and made us buy him a new one that was $30 cause he doesn't know how to keep his stuff picked up and even after buying him a new charger he still leaves it down and out where my son can get to it!

My 13 year old brother came from a very privileged lifestyle and doesn't know how to take care of his things either leaving things out for my son to break and get into and not knowing how to clean a thing or how to actually help around the house!

So I made chore lists for each room of the house, daily, weekly and monthly duties all clearly stated on the papers hanging up in our living room/kitchen area but still every time I say something needs to be cleaned or get done I am asked what needs to be done, show us. So then basically I am still doing everything even though I am in pain constantly.

My son who used to do so well sleeping and playing with his toys has now no idea how to do either things and fights with me constantly about doing anything and everyone else sits around and plays video games and I am at so worn down I'm at my breaking point.

I'm supposed to be having a c section in 2 weeks because my arthritic hips don't allow me to deliver naturally and I feel like I have no one to rely on to help me when I get home and that stresses me out and makes me not want to come home with a new baby.

I don't have any idea on how to toddler proof my house anymore than it is, all I do lately is cry and hate my life and hold and I hate myself for that. I thought I had done everything to possibly help the people living here understand or know how to help me around the house but apparently I haven't and I feel like a failure as a mother I just don't know what to do anymore or if the way I feel is normal for all moms or if something's wrong with me and I don't really have anyone I can talk to either except my fiancée who has been nothing but a load of help but I can only expect so much since he works 40+ hours...

I just needed to vent I guess cause I don't have friends to talk to.