Helppp !!

So my fiance and I have been engaged since November 2016, We've always had our issues but nothing could ever separate me from him. He's military and he's currently on a deployment to Romania for the second time this year. When he left the first time it was really hard because we had just gone through the lost of our first baby in early February. We just recently found out that we're pregnant again, now further than we were before. I'm currently 14wks and it seems like now that he's away somethings distracting him but i know that's impossible because the female and male rooms are separated and he'd never cheat on me. I really feel like I lost my bestfriend today. We have this thing where we never go to sleep mad at each other but he's currently asleep and I'm just at work with an attitude. I love him to death but the way he's been talking to me and acting as if he doesn't care just really hurts. I told him I was at my breaking point and whatever he said next would determine our future together and he just replied " I have nothing else to say ".... I feel as if he thinks our relationship isn't worth fighting for, like he can't lose me or as if my feelings didn't matter. I'm of course emotional, i miss him like crazy, idk what else to do. AND NO IT'S NOT THE PREGNANCY. We've been like this since he's been gone.. WHAT TO DO ??