My biggest worry...


When #2 arrives, ds will be a few months shy of 3. I remember very clearly that during the first 3 months, my son was awake every 2 hrs to feed like clockwork. Easy breezy when that's your only child, but im worried now I will do it again. How will I wake all night every night w a newborn, then wake for the day with my soon to be 3 yo at 7 am? I only worry bc with no exaggeration, I am one of those who becomes the depressed, angry, psycho who flips out and cries all the time.

My son attends daycare 3-5 days a week. What I THINK and would LIKE to be ideal, is for my husband to start taking my son to daycare in the morning, slowing the mornings down for me and baby.

I will be a sahm again after baby born for approx 6m. We dont want to disrupt my sons schedule. I feel like if hubs did this for me, it would allow for extra sleep (w toddler being gone)

However, hubs will be not be game for this. He will not happily volunteer, nor will he help at nighg and this is a battle ill lose. (Bc ill get the "he works and I dont" argument)

It just seems like such a process having to get 2 kids ready just for a daycare drop off. And ill be losing more and more sleep.

How are we supposed to do this? Im really worried!