Share your experience with implantation bleeding!!

Caitlyn • 21. 🤰🏼 May 2018 🤱🏼👶🏼

I tested really early this month because I really felt different this month so around 9dpo I got a vvvfl then tested again the next day with a digital and it's said yes! Tested again today and the line has been getting darker. :) so far so good. But one thing I've been worried about is that I had some kind of dark brown spotting and I was wondering if it could be implantation bleeding. AF isn't due till the 7th. Some are saying it can't be implantation because that would occur before I received a positive on a pregnancy test. I was wondering if I just got lucky as far as having enough HCG in my urine to test positive earlier than i should have. Others are saying they received a positive digital test and a day or two after had this type of spotting followed by AF and ended with a chemical pregnancy! All this is scaring me but I just want to know what you ladies think.

Both pictures below are from today!