Will he realize he lost a good one

So I been talking to a guy for about 4 months and eventually I said I love you, I lost my virginity to him and i got attached and a week ago I said I love you, things where going so good before I said it and I can really see it going far In the future but two days after I said it he said he don't think he ready for a relationship and it was because I said I love you cause I'm his past relationship the girl had said it early like I did and she didn't mean it and she just said it just to say it and that suddenly all the feelings he had for me are gone now and he just needs space so I called him and was crying cause I'm so hurt on how all his feelings are gone, I knew it was a lie I just think he's afraid to get hurt like he did before but I'm really hurt, I feel so stupid and dumb because I was texting him and almost begging him to work things out with me and he said he just don't want anything rn and nothing was a lie and didn't say all those things he used to say just to get in my pants and I believe him cause I can see he's a good person genuinely. But I wasn't expecting a I love you back I was just telling him how I felt cause he always reassured me his feelings and would always say he don't want to lose me and how I treat him so good and how I make him happy. But now I have decided to just not bother him anymore because I'm trying to come at peace with myself and give him his space and let him realize he lost a good one, cause I believe he will be back right? Am I a fool for hoping that? He still follows me on twitter and Snapchat so I think he don't want me gone out his life but he just needs space to get his mind right on what he should and want to do.