What could it be??

My friend has an older sister, they went to a trip over the summer to another state. I don't remember which one, but when they got back, my friends sister was just so ill. She couldn't eat, her body was rejecting food, she would vomit and have diarrhea and it was so sad. She was around 200 pounds, but she has lost so much weight from not eating and puking etc. that she is now 90 pounds. Of course she was checked over the course of it to see what was wrong, but the doctors couldn't figure anything out. I know there probably aren't any doctors on here, but I'm just really hoping that someone might have a clue on what's happening to her.


It happened all within a month. The only thing she would be able to eat was apple sauce once a day since that's how much her body was able to handle with out puking excessively. She would still puke a lot and had extreme diarrhea as well while this was all happening.