11 month old milestones

we are on track with most. but I'm scared of the waving bye, pointing and clapping hands. our daughter doesn't clap, doesn't point, doesn't wave. she looks at me when I say "look", but doesn't look at me pointing my finger. she doesn't point to anything either. is this something to worry about yet? she walks, says "mamamama" and "tatata" . knows and responds to her name every time. she plays well and interacts with toys. she "feeds us" - offeres food from her plate, to us. has 7 teeth. she seems to be on time with all milestones, except waving, pointing and clapping. part of me thinks I'm just over thinking this, but my other side sees all the online studies and how " an 11 month old SHOULD " be able to wave, clap, look at something that's being pointed at and point at something herself.