Sex advice with someone new?!


I'm newly single, and I've had this guy friend that has always liked me. We've known each other for a few years and I've always cared for him but couldn't show it because I was in a relationship. Well, the other night I messaged him not even knowing he was in my hometown because he lives about an 1 1/2 from where I do, and asked if he wanted to hangout and he agreed! So we hung out, drank, sat by the fire and caught up with each other. It was really nice. We ended up kissing and some foreplay, but no sex. Now here both of us are sex deprived and wanting the same thing haha😂 I feel like it's going to happen sooner than later but I'm nervous because I was with the same guy for 3 years. How do I handle this, what do I do to calm nerves, etc..... I want it to be good and memorable. Any tips are welcomed!😊