drunk guy

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️

okay so little back story.

luis is our 'compadre' (baptized our baby) and he was with his wife and they all of a sudden aren't together anymore, it's awkward as hell when they talk crap about each other and we're just there in the middle. anyways, so he's in the process of divorce and always pulls me aside to talk about her. (never in private, only time i see him is at parties t get togethers so i've never given him the wrong idea) tonight we were all at my SOs family party and in the end it ended up being 7 of us (me, my SO, his brother, his sisters, brother in law and our compadre) and i was the ONLY sober one. as soon as the jose cuervo came out everyone was bawling their eyes out and talking about their brother in mexico and this and that. anyways point is they were SUPER drunk and trying to calm each other down and the other ones were sobbing and just talking/yelling away ... im holding my baby standing behind my SO and since they were all being loud you could barely hear, but my compadre comes out with 'i love you' and i was like what?? and he's like i love you and your SEX! i was like i love borre sorry (my SO) and he kept going on and on. and i get it, people get drunk and say stuff but after awhile they were all hugging and everything all drunk and shit and i was hugging my SO and SIL and he comes in and was hugging too. okay no problem they're all drunk and want to hug. then as we're pulling apart he pulls me into him and his hand starts sliding down and i IMMEDIATELY took a big step out of his reach and was so embarrassed/disgusted. i ignored him the whole night and eventually he went and passed out in the house somewhere . we're all home now, my SO is passed out and i just feel so weird about this. i used to respect him and thought he was so nice , he's much older than me.literally old enough to be my dad, maybearound late 30s. what would you do? i'm going to tell my SO but i just don't know what the hell to think. what would you think/do??