
A week after I told my family I was pregnant, my aunt told me she found out she was too. We had all these big plans for our kids, even had similar names. We were determined to have them be best friends/favorite cousins lol. But 3 weeks later I miscarried. Now I don't want to have anything to do with her baby. Especially now that she's having a boy and mine would have been a boy. Now I regret giving him a similar name to her baby's. It's been about a month since my MC and my best friend just told me she's pregnant. She's upset about it. She plans on keeping it but would take it back in a heartbeat. All she does is whine and conplain about how she ruined her life and I HATE her with every being of my soul when she complains to me. Does she not know I would trade places with h e in a heartbeat just to have my baby back?or am I just being petty for not wanting to have anything to with either of them now...I just can't watch them go through what I feel like I'm dying to have. 😔😔