weird feeling 😪


So basically just a bit of advice or if anyone thinks this is strange please tell me Haha, so on the 5th August I came on my period till 11th august so I was on for a good week, and then I was off for just over 2 weeks and then came on my period again after that 2 weeks on the wednesday 30th August I came on my again really heavy, and then Thursday 31st August I was just a medium flow, but then friday 1st September it was really really light, then Saturday 2nd September it was hardly nothing and later Saturday evening I came off my period and Sunday I had nothing. So I came on for 3 days randomly after am ready having a good weeks worth of being on my period. But I'm also feeling exhausted like I have no energy to do anything I'm just feeling really fed up and low, have any of you had this before and is it something or is it just your period messing you around? 😔😪