weight gaim

Kayleigh • 25, Wife, Chef, PCOS, TTC

so over the last few months I have gain a substantial amount of weight. to the point where I have been asked twice if I am pregnant. I have been dealing with the loss of my father in law and probate court and drug addict family members. i also had some female surgery which has thrown off hormones. my husband has not said anything about the weight. he tells me im gorgeous and goes out of his way to make me feel that I am. my sister in law who

also is plus sized builds me up so much and tells me just because I'm a little chubby doesn't change who I am or that I'm beautiful. she had taught me how to love yourself. .... but my parents keep bringing up my weight and judge what I eat. never mind the fact that I am also a chef and constantly around food. they keep telling me that I need to join weight watchers etc. I know it comes from a good place but it crushes me. why is fat or chubby looked down on. I'm healthy, there's just some more of me to love.

I'm the one with the short dark hair.