Waiting on 2nd cycle...


Hey ladies, I miscarried in May, had a D&C; in June, and had my first cycle August 10, 8 weeks after the D&C.; Before my miscarriage my cycles were semi irregular due to stress (finishing my masters), but were typically 24-27 days and would last 3-5 days. My firsts period post mc was typical, one day spotting, 3 of bleeding, and ended with one day spotting. My question to you guys is for those of you who did not get pregnant on your first cycle ttc after a mc, was your second period regular? Did it arrive when you thought or last as long as you thought? And when did your cycles regulate? My doctor said that mine should be regular once they start, but That would make me technically late. So I'm curious what everyone else's experience was. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and was negative, my assumed ovulation was around the 21st of this month, but of course that could be wrong and I could've ovulated later. So, please let me know how things went for you!