
Hello everyone I got my mirena IUD taken out july 20th and got my first AF the 23rd of July that lasted 4 days and 3 days of spotting which was basically the same as my usually periods before. Its very common for the first cycle after iud removal to last way longer than a topical cycle so it's been incredibly hard to track ovulation. Partially that's my fault I haven't been tracking every day but when I remember, I do. Anyways, my husband and I are NTNP since the 10th of august no more than three days apart. I wish I had tracked my CM more religiously but I do notice that since the 17th my CM has been constantly creamy, these last two days its been very heavily creamy. The last time I took a pregnancy test was august 31st because apart from the daily creamy CM (which I heard can be a first sign) I also had tender breast the 30th. And because I don't know when I ovulated/or will ovulate I took it just incase but got a BFN. But because my CM has heavily increased and I was nauseous yesterday, I'm tempted to test again but at the same time think I should wait it out (what if its all in my head). What do you guys think? Today is my cycle day 44. Does anyone have any insight about the Post IUD cycles or TTC after the mirena? Also side question does anyone know any good prenatal pills I can start taking now?