I'm so done. I'm about to lose my shit on my inlaws

Justice • son born 12-9-16👦 missed miscarriage 7-12-17 at 10 weeks👼 blighted ovum 2-5-18👼baby girl born 11-25-18👧

so They've been here 3 days. that's it. they brought my stepson to our house since it was on the way to our place. since they've been here they run my house. My husband does nothing to parent my stepson. doesn't change him, feed him, play with him, nothing. his parents try to do it all. he has been the worst behaved with them here. he keeps throwing tantrums to get what he wants and when I try to use my way of parenting and discipline the behavior they just come and pick him up while I'm talking to him and take him away and say " ohhhh it's ok". they give him only juice, no water. no matter how much I push it and try to intervene. and I mean no water whatsoever.... there's so much more but I am pissed and my husband doesn't listen. update: my husband came upstairs and yelled at me and left. then his mom came upstairs, told me I'm a horrible mother and yelled at me about my family and said she's leaving. I'm so over this