Hi everyone. Really needing some advise about ADHD. My sister's daughter is 5 years old, 6 in February. I feel horrible saying it but she's not a nice little girl at all and I firmly believe she may have ADHD as she had all the symptoms. She's disruptive. Aggressive. Her teachers at school have said they are very concerned about her. She doesn't focus on anything. She won't sit down and read or be read to. She's just a whirlwind. She doesn't listen to anything anybody says. Sometimes she can be lovely and sweet and other times she just has temper and anger issues. If she cant get her own way she turns into this horrible child. So much so that she banged her head twice on the floor on perpose not long ago. I have a 1 year old son and the way she is with him sometimes it scares me. She kicked him and pushed him down off the sofa with her foot cause she wanted her mum to feed her her tea and her mum said no do it yourself. He was stood up in a play pen and she pulled his fingers off and pushed him down and laughed. My sister just shrugs it off and says she is playing. I don't see that as playing I see that as just being plain nasty and horrible to him. Today i was playing with her and she purposely twisted and bent my finger back cause she didn't like the way we was playing. My sister blamed me for her doing it. No child should do this to an adult ever. This then turned into another argument and my niece shutting the door in mine and my son's face. If she doesn't get her own way she will kick off and call her mum and dad every name under the sun. But she doesn't get any disiplin at all. Her parents let her get away with absolute murder!! I've tried talking to them a million times but they don't listen and it ends up in a argument. She just says it's her personality and the way she is. But it's not normal for a girl of that age I believe and I don't know what to do. Any help or input??