new friend of 1 year says hubby tried to kiss her....

so last Saturday me,my brother , fiancé and friend were out for the night. .. the night went really well .. I was trying to set my friend and brother up she was grinding on him , dry humping him and it was all going good to she started saying nah just want to be mates.... so any way she got really drunk and was lying on my fiancé shoulder and taking pics with him. .. I thought nothing of it... headed back to my house and my fiancé went to bed... me.and my friend were having a smoke and she said I have to tell you something 6 months ago ur fiancé asked me for a kiss on another night out but I turned him down.... I was like what why didn't u tell me she said I didn't want to break use up but I did tell ur other friends no names.... I was like bitch get the fuk out when I asked my other friend she said yea she did tell me but I didn't beleive her as her story didn't make sense.... my head is wrecked.... I don't know who to believe my fiancé was like no and we have argued since... help please