Yay!!! Finally got my BFP! ❤👶


My husband and I have actively been ttc since October of last year. We conceived in February but unfortunately had an D&C; due to MC in April. I have been feeling really happy but highly emotional as well for about 2 weeks. AF was estimated for 9/8. I took a test this morning just out of curiosity and BAM! Its positive! I took it to my husband and he just scooped me up into a huge hug. We are so ecstatic. Praying our Rainbow Baby makes it! To the women out there having fertility/loss issues. I hear you. I know those feelings of "its never gonna happen". But it will. This is just part of YOUR journey. Keep your head up and keep doing the BD. BABY DUST TO ALL WHO ARE STILL TTC!! ❤❤❤❤❤👶