Feeling Lost...


I feel so lost lately. iv been with my husband for 7years straight. we did date when we were younger and split up for 2 years. we have been married for two and have a Son that is almost one.. We seem to bicker a lot more lately and he always just seems so unhappy. I ask him and he swairs hes fine or he just gets angry and defensive. I keep feeling like im the sorce of his unhappiness and I cant even talk to him about it without it being a huge ordeal. I had some super scary health issues after having my son and after a few weeks it seemed like it was a burden on him, and I had to deal with sever anxity alone... something I have NEVER delt with before. There are days where things are really good but mostly lately it seems like more bad then good. I feel so alone thru it and I dont know what to do anymore. :(