First Pregnancy Was Chemical


So my husband and I were TTC for 3 months and found out we were pregnant from first response pregnancy tests. I tested for 3 days with vfl before I told him (3 days before AF) The next day I tested negative first thing in the morning. I called the doc and they ordered a blood test which was negative. HCG levels were at a 15 (2 days before AF). Took another test that same afternoon and tested positive. I tested again the next 2 days and they were vfl but clearly positive. AF didn't come, so I called the doc the next day. Due to testing positive they ordered another blood test. HCG levels were now at an 8 which resulted in another negative. Never got answers from doc which left us both incredibly confused and heart broken. Based on what I read we experienced a chemical pregnancy. I did start bleeding a few days after AF and it lasted longer than usual. I am ready to try again but incredibly nervous I will go through this all over. Has anyone experienced this and the next time everything was fine??? Hoping it doesn't affect our chances of conceiving. Any advice or experiences shared would be incredibly comforting.