Needing some support and advice!

My name is Danielle and I am currently 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant! My husband and I are so excited, this is our first baby and we can't wait!
Right now I am struggling with some body image issues. Since starting a new (very stressful) teaching job last year I have put on about 50 extra pounds. Now that I am pregnant I am really worried that having all this extra weight will harm me or the baby.
I have been eating very healthy and getting in as much exercise as I can. I won't be going back to this job after this school year is over (May 19th).
I just feel so huge! I always used to be in a size 14-16 and now I am having to wear 18-20. I am worried about looking beautiful while pregnant but also being healthy. My weight currently is 240-245 and I am 5'7.
Any advice or support about how to maintain or lose weight now that I am pregnant? Thank you for your time and your comments!