Bomb ass sex with my hubby

Oh my god last night my husband and I had the most bomb ass sex we have ever had. We had been fighting for like three days straight and I was washing the dishes last night and he just comes up behind grabs my ass and starts sucking on my neck. I get a little excited because it's been a long time since we were together intimately like this. We make out a little by the sink and he slams me against the kitchen counter lifts up my nightgown and thrusts his hardness into me. GIRL IT FELT SO GOOD OMG. Then we move to the living room and have sex right there on the floor. He bends me over to do doggy style and slams into me repeatedly while palming my clit. I then sit on his lap and face away from him and bounce on his dick. He's like holding my tummy down the entire time and I literally feel so much pressure building down over there. He made me cum like 3 times and wouldn't stop until I came a fourth time. This morning g he bought me white roses and told me he loves me and I'm the best wife ever girls I'm so happy right now