Video games

So you can be like addicted to video games right? My so smoked a lot when we got together well after we had our daughter he quit but he replaced his cigarette habit with a gaming habit. He is constantly in our basement playing video games (when he's not at work) so when he comes home I'm lucky if he even talks to me for 5 minutes I get him to come up stairs for dinner and maybe just maybe to read a story to our little ones before they go to bed but besides that he's always on that damn computer! Yes, I have unplugged the internet and that just raises hell upon him if I ever touch that it's a big argument. Anyways my point or question is how do I get him off of this he won't go to counseling because I've already mentioned that I'm just at a dead end here and need some opinions and advice. No I'm not going to leave him because I know he can come over this I just need to figure out how. Sorry for the long post TIA 💕