Castor oil packs and Fertility massage


Hello ladies!!! So this month I decided to try castor oil packs and fertility massage before ovulation. I ovulated Aug 29 or 30, not so sure because I didn't do opk or tempted (decided not to this month because I would stress so much about it) I relied on my cm and just bd the days before on and after . I am 5-6 dpo and have been cramping since 2 dpo. I had never cramped before during ttw, they are mild cramps and the best way I can describe them is , I don't know if anyone remembers that knee pain you would get when you were a kid when the bones were growing . Weird I know, but that's how those cramps feel like on my lower abdomen . Anyway, hopefully that's a good sign . I will update if I get my bfp this month!!! Has anyone tried castor oil packs or fertility massage? Just want to hear your experience 😊