My life is falling apart..

Boy when they say life isn't fair they sure mean it!

Where do I begin?! I just need to get this off of my chest before I explode. I didn't have much of a family to begin with. My dad moved 300+ miles from me and my mom with this "new wife" and her 2 kids when I was maybe 5 and I saw him twice a month MAYBE until I was 11 and my mother died of cancer. My dad kicked me out when I was 18 a month before graduation but, luckily I was made to get a job and buy a car so I was set. I've been on my own from 18-23 when I met my now husband. I moved to the other side of the state with my high school sweetheart that my parents hated everything was fine at first. We were together 5 years at the time and I was so inlove with the idea of him and oblivious to what he was actually doing. Long story short, 300 miles from my dead beat family and now abusive bf who was arrested for domestic assault I was alone again. I was fine though. Working hard and making great money I got my own house and bought me a new car. I met the man of my dreams life was great but it came crashing down again. He had a kid with a CRAZY ex. The child wasn't planned unlike most kids. She was a gold digger and psycho who was swing someone but wanted my man too. Lol but we had something I couldn't explain so I fought for him. Bailed him out of jail bc his ex lied and had him arrested (it was dismissed 7k later in court 😂🖕🏼) and dealt with this crazy bitch for now 2 years. Fast forward to life now. I quit my great paying job because my now husband wanted me to stay home and tried to have kids. We had been trying and were unsuccessful bc of the stress of my job. He was making great money and we were great. I got pregnant. I couldn't believe it. One month after quitting and my dreams came true. Then, I lost my baby. Spent 10 hours in the ER in labor bc my body decided a miscarriage wasn't enough it had to go through labor too. Not to mention my husband travels for work and wasn't able to be there. So I was alone. That was 5 months ago now my husband isn't making money (commission based) we have NO money at all. Can't pay our bills and spent 6 hours at the car dealership trying to trade in my new car bc we can't afford it after having it only one year. To top it off 6 hours late and we couldn't get financed bc of his job being commission. LOL I know my marriage won't survive this. Simply bc he doesn't care and he doesn't try. While I'm the sole parent of his child (my child) when he's with us 50/50 he just plays with him while I now work 40+ hours a week and he works 3 days bc he travels for work. I'm sorry to vent for so long but I don't know how much more I can take. I don't even care about my marriage anymore. How can I? He doesn't try. He was completely miserable with this BM (only together 2 years) and he did so much more for her then he does me. I gave him everything I had mentally and financially and now I'm screwed. No money. No family. Nothing. I just need a break. I'm trying so hard to stay positive but it's so hard when you can't pay ANY of your deals and worrying about groceries for next week. I busted my ass for everything I had before him and it's all gone. I feel so worthless.

Thank you for reading