ttc & weight loss

Colby • Mommy to 1 boy 💙 1 little girl 💜 and two angels 💛

So 3 years ago I started my journey to ttc for baby #2 with a donor. So 2 years in I found out that I have pcos and because of my weight my doctor refused to help me get pregnant till I lose weight. So I did some research and found a vitamins that would help counter act my pcos and I concieved my angel back in May but sadly micarriage July 16 2017 and a d&c; on the 17th. Since the loss of my angel I started losing weight more. Well I'm back to ttc and I'm almost to my prepregnancy weight with my first child! It's been 4 years since I've been to this weight. I'm hoping with good progress with my weight loss and my vitamins that I'll concieve my rainbow soon! Anyone have good luck with weight loss and ttc? p.s. I've lost a total of 49lb