mixed signals

I have reconnected with a childhood friend back in May. From the reconnection on we have had great chemistry and things seemed to be hitting off. After about a month I started to get mixed vibes and he was honest and told me he wasnt sure he was ready for something long term. Intially I was hurt but grateful for his honesty and deep down it probably was bad timing considering I ended a very long relationship a few months prior. We continue to communicate and hook up (not as often as I'd like... but a girls gotta take what she can). There has been a lot of flirting and the connection is still there and strong. He often says things that make me go... is he thinking about long term? This past weekend we hung out with old childhood friends and I'll just say ppl must have assumed we were an item by the way he was with me. so do I just continue to have my fun and not say anything... or ask him what are we doing? what would you say or do?