SO on life support or vegetable??

What would you do if your SO was put on life support, uncertain of recovery, or they became a vegatable? Also, how would you feel if your SO told you what mine told me.

Also sorry if vegatable is offensive, idk what else a term for it is.

My husband said he would give me a few months if that to come off of life support and if I became a vegatable he would check me into an institution. He said he would talk to my family about it, but he said it would be too exspensive for him to take care of me in either situation. I guess I understand, I wouldn't want to be a burden, but it still hurt my feelings that money is more important to him. I would put myself in debt for him till the day one of us passed away if he needed me to. I know he wouldn't want to be on life support long or be a vegetable so I would be reasonable and give him about a year to come off life support and take care of him till one of us dies if he was a vegatable.