Feeling so defeated



We have been trying tor 6 months now. I have always been positive in that it will happen when it's meant to be. My SO would get upset at times and I'd just say it will be when it's meant to be. But the last month I feel like its never going to happen. I spent most of today crying my eyes out and just asking god why? Why not me? Why everyone else? My SO reminded me god has a plan and when it's right we will have a baby. I just can't get myself to stay positive. After obsessive tracking the first few months I could see that was not going to work for me so I've just tried to have fun with it. I feel like I'm a jealous mean person now and I hate it. Everyone I went to high school with is pregnant. I want to be happy for them but I just can't. I just want it to be my turn now.

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Posted at
I know how that feels. It was 7 years before I had my first. It sucks watching other people you know get pregnant and then have babies and then get pregnant with #2 or even #3. I know exactly how you feel!!From your post, it seems you have faith in God. I will give you a bible verse that I feel the Holy Spirit gave me, two years before I got pregnant with my son: "The Lord longs to be gracious to you, he longs to be compassionate upon you. Blessed is he who waits on the Lord. (Isa 30:17-18). As hard as it is, as painful as it is, and trust me - I FREAKING KNOW how painful it is - His way is better. My son is amazing. You'll get that too - whether biologically or by choosing to adopt - when the time is right. ❤️


💕D • Sep 5, 2017
❤️ I'm sorry it's been so rough. Feel free to message me when we you need to. Like I said, I totally get it.


Sa • Sep 5, 2017
Thank you so much❤️it's just been a rough day and I needed that


Posted at
I understand how you feel totally. Hubby and I have been ttc actively since oct-nov 2015....nothing. Before then we were inactively trying...still nothing. We've been to fertility clinic. My gyn told me in July that because I'm about to be 35, I should go again to fertility clinic. I'm prayerful. I'm in a much better place now but I was depressed and angry....felt God was rejecting me. But all me and hubby have now is prayer and hope. Prayers for you and all of us ladies who just want the gift of being a mother. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽