They are in for a big surprise....

Robin • Married💍 dog mom or two huskies🐺 first time mommy 👶🏼💕

All of the sudden my husbands grandma and mom has been saying me and my husband shouldn't be having kids until later in life...

His grandma texted him out of nowhere and they haven't talked for a month, but she was saying since he doesn't know if he wants to stay in or not, and that we want to travel we shouldn't have kids because it wouldn't be the same with them, it'd be much harder. And then my sister-in-law who is 12 almost 13 snapchats a video of her mom saying that we shouldn't be having kids until we move back to Illinois and that I'll still be 23, so its still young. Well little do they know or anyone of our family members I'm already pregnant. Yes it will be a little difficult to go to school while caring for a baby, but it is not impossible. I know one person that I am sure will watch my baby if it was absolutely necessary and that my husbands schedule changed. But they act like it's the end of the world if we have kids now. Mind you, my husbands mom had kids before getting her degree, but she still got it.

Ughhh it's just so frustrating. And my sister-in-law is the one to say something to someone else about what someone said about them even if she was told not to unless it was something she liked knowing that no one else did. I'm glad she sent it to me, I didn't say anything to my mother-in-law. But I really feel like since she couldn't say that to us, her and the rest of the adults which are 5 more will be talking about us behind our backs but say something completely opposite when they go to talk to us.

So for the rant i just had to say it to someone since we haven't told anyone that we are pregnant yet...