Ira is 3 months and 1 week!! Today she learnt how to roll back to belly!!! She could do belly to back since she was a month old!


She thought daddy was tasty. Good cause mommy needs a break 😂

She can also grab her toys for a few seconds!

She's growing too fast!

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Posted at
My baby girl knows how to roll from time to back by the time she was 2 months old. Wow guess baby girl


Sam • Sep 11, 2017
in looking forward to her growing up i already want her to walk. so that I can take her outside


Rosemary • Sep 6, 2017
It really is! It's a mix of emotions at the same time.


Sam • Sep 5, 2017
it's awesome to see them learn new things as well


Posted at
She is a cutie!


Rosemary • Sep 6, 2017
Thank you! 💖


Posted at
Wow that's amazing!!! My LO hates hates hates tummy time! So I had such a hard time getting him to learn all those things. He has been rolling from belly to back since a month old but he doesn't do it all the time just every now and then. What do you do to get our baby to like tummy time? Or are you just blessed with a baby who likes it? My LO loves to be on his back :/


Jess • Sep 8, 2017
Oh no! :( yeah I guess that's the hard thing about babies who do like being on their bellies. I just bought my LO a bunch of toys so hopefully I can help keep his attention and get him to do it longer. Somehow we managed 10 minutes yesterday! Woot woot!


Rosemary • Sep 6, 2017
You're welcome. I'm very lucky but now she wants to sleep on her belly! I tried swaddling her but she broke loose! And thank you :)


Jess • Sep 5, 2017
You're so lucky lol. Yeah I've tried the boppy pillow and unfortunately it doesn't help. I'm lucky if I can get him to do tummy time for 5 minutes. My LO is so good at holding his head too and very early on as well. I just wish he'd do tummy time to build those specific muscles up :/ thank you! And your little one is so cute!