Doc doesn't want to do second HCG?


Hi guys... so after 12 years, 8 cycles of <a href="">IVF</a>, endometriosis, a tumour on one ovary, an AMH level of 2, and NEVER ever being pregnant... I finally got my BFP 🙌🏽 naturally.... at 38 years old... Still so surreal! I went to the doc and got bloods done at 4w 1d (based on LMP).. my HCG came back as 330.. I asked for a repeat test when I got those results as I wanted to make sure my numbers were doubling.. he said there was no point as everything looked great... he said to just book in for my dating scan... which I have done but that's 3 weeks away... would you find another doctor to repeat the test, or do you think it's fine? I'm obviously very worried as I really thought it would never ever happen for us... it would put my mind at ease but I'm now another week on so is it worth it? Thank you! Sticky baby dust to all!