"Just sex"

So I've been in a relationship with this guy for 7/8 months. We've been through a shit tonne of stuff considering we've only been together for that amount of time.

We were laying in bed last night, I rolled over and kinda tried to turn him on a bit, trying to encourage sex. He'd promised earlier on in the day when he came home we'd have some alone time etc. So this was me pushing for that. He pushed me off and said he was tired. Me being frustrated from him winding me up all day, tried again, with my hand on his cheek I tried to give him a kiss.

To cut a long story short, we ended up in a bit of an argument. He told me it was "just sex".

I don't know if maybe I'm just a bit sensitive and took it the wrong way it would anyone else be offended if their boyfriend/partner/husband saw it as "just sex"?

So this morning - he got up at 5:30am. Didn't hug or kiss me. I felt him get out of bed and started to cry, as we're never ever this distant even when we argue. He held me for a bit, kissed me goodbye and off he went to work.

On his way to work with a colleague - He's texting me, we're discussing last nights argument. And he sticks to what he says "it is just sex, and obviously love and that"

Maybe he's shit with words? He never usually is..

He then goes on to say that I think wayyyyy too into things..

This is my first proper love. Sex with him isn't "just sex" to me.. which was in one of my replies. It means more to me. "Just sex" can be had with anyone - hence why I took offence..

I just felt unwanted and unloved..

Is he right? Am I overreacting??