Stepmom and diabetes


So I was in the car w my mom stepmom and my little sister. I offered a slushee that I got from QT and she was like you should really cut back on the sugar you know because diabetes runs in your family and all this other stuff while I'm making the sound when "your almost out but there's a little but left that you can't leave without drinking it sound" while her, my dad, and I start to argue over a fucking slushee and so on. And it's not like she's calling me fat or anything like that or that she knows more than my family more than me or whatever it's that she said it randomly and I know that she cares about me and all but this is coming from a "health nut" that ate a dough pastry that was covered in honey and sugar filled with cheese cake in the middle + some more an hour ago. I'm really just angry that she really didn't have the right to say that because she is a "new" addition to my life and has only been there for 3 years and it is not like it was just 3 years of talking it's more of living under the same roof and that's about it + I only see her like 2 a week. How should I approach this and am I wrong for being a little pissed? Advice??