

I suffer from pcos so I've recently started treating my cystic pain and absent period with vitex again as I have previously had period return by using it. I take 1000 mg a day both in the morning however this weekend I ran out of my bottle before the next shipment got here. so I went about two m/three day without. Last night hubby and I are the middle of it when he states I'm getting my period. Totally off to me since it doesn't usually work this fast(Maybe about two weeks roughing from the start of taking vitex again). I pay it no mind until I wake up this morning and no blood?! what the heck. I thought I was getting my period but there were no cramps beforehand like usual with me. very very light amount of blood during intercourse but certainly blood not pink. any advice? my cycles are so whack I can't really give O dates or go off last menstrual and when I mention vitex to doctors they roll their eyes. if I did get pregnant how soon should I test?! HELP