37 weeks & he's here!


I was exactly 37 weeks when I went into labor. Started off at 11pm, worked my way(suffered) until 3, decided I couldn't take it, went to the hospital to find I was 3cm dilated. They kept me for observation until 7am, there was no more action. I was sent home & I took a nap, woke up with contractions, this time more intense. I walked around a bit until my OB appointment that day at 4pm. Doctor said I was 100% effaced and should go to L&D;, so I did! By the time

I was seen (1 hour later) I was 4cm and finally able to be admitted to the hospital around 6pm! I had to wait about another hour and a half while they did all of their admission procedures and I was about 5cm when I was given my epidural(ladies, it's a miracle, 100% recommend!) as soon as I got the epidural it was a waiting game, I went through the whole night and by the time it was 7am the next morning, I was about 7cm dilated. But my water was still not broken. 9am came and my doctor decided to break my water, I was 10cm dilated. I waited an hour more just to give the baby time to come down a bit more. 10am came and I started pushing. Let me tell you, I don't think I knew what I was getting myself into, I was pushing so hard and I was getting so tired! The pressure of the baby started reaaaally getting crazy down there. Doctor came in, I was crowning, I pushed twice and PLOOP. There he was! I had a second degree tear and had to get it all stitched up. But, I'd by far do it all again. I love my baby. 6 pounds and 7 ounces. On August 25, 2017 @ 10:49 am. What started off as my little peanut became a reality, right there in my arms. Bryton Anthony Alonso, man oh man.... do I love being your mommy ❤️👶🏼😘