Faint line?!?!? OMG PLZ HELP!?!!!

I can't believe this but I took a test last night (AF is due in a week so it was early) and the moment the urine was placed on the test I thought it was faint but then a minute or two it pretty much looked gone... the first 2 pictures are from last night... then 5 hours later I looked at it again and I see a line... (3 rd photo) IS THIS POSITIVE?? The third photo doesn't look obvious but to the eye I see a line (maybe I have line eyes🙄).... I thought I read somewhere that if you look at it later it could be a false positive.... thoughts? Has a positive evaporation line happen to you but you weren't pregnant?! I only question it because i have taken this test many times in the past and never had a line the next day....... Can someone please invert the first 2 pictures and give me some hope? Thank you all! 💙